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The Deceptive Netregistry

Australia: Rating – 1 star out of 5

I’ve had a long history with Netregistry since back in the 90’s when I first opened a Web Design business and began referring clients to them. Hundreds of referrals I might add. At the time, they were affordable, swift, and great service. Now, they have the worst service, vile ethics, and are to be avoided at all costs. They are gaining a reputation of mobsters and hostage holders of domains.

In February, my automatic renewal of didn’t go through with automatic credit card payment because it was trying to run an old card. Well, they didn’t notify me, and within 20 days threw my domain (which usually cost less than $20/year) into what they call “redemption” and tried to charge me several hundred to get the domain back. They wouldn’t work with me and threatened to just take the domain away if I didn’t pay $250 redemption fee. I was like – “no way.” They destroyed the network and sites I had under it. There was nothing I could do unless I paid their ransom. Even if I did pay their “ransom”, they said it might not activate for a week or two. So I took the advice and paid them $30 something to “reserve” the domain on backorder if they can obtain it for me after redemption (this fee doesn’t include the annual fee). Of course months later, still can’t get my domain back, and likely they will try to charge me hundreds to get it. I don’t have hope. They are an awful company. They don’t have communication with their clients, and it often takes 24-48 hours for a reply.

To make matters worse, after working with their representative

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