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Anthony’s Fish Restaurant – SEATAC

Seattle-Tacoma International Airport – SEA
17801 International Blvd
Seattle, WA 98158
Phone number: (206) 431-3000 ~

Just in – 1/30/19 at 11:40 am – SeaTac airport, was hoping for some last fresh seafood before leaving Seattle for Denver, and I walk up to the concierge for seating, she ignores me, and attends to the gentleman behind me. I then interrupt, she says “go seat yourself” and points to the interior. Okay, so I do, looking for seating and then ask a friendly cooking staff and she says – oh no, you have to go upfront and put your name on the list. So I do and ask if it’s going to be a long wait, (new concierge) and she’s un-excited, depressed, and blah – it’ll be a few minutes (plenty of open tables). I moved on. Bad customer service. Looked nice, but hey we’ve got flights to catch. Otherwise, the restaurant looks nice, offerings look tasty, and it looked like a nice place to wait for one’s flight. Guess I’ll never know, as I have not a chance to t try them out all due to poor personnel. Unlikely I’ll be going out of my way to review this restaurant again. Rating: 2 stars out of 5. Review on Yelp here.

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