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Two Parrots (Vancouver)

Two Parrots
Granville Street
Vancouver, British Columbia

Overall Rating: **** 1/4

The Two Parrots, a festive restaurant/pub located on the corner of Davie Street and Granville, right across from the Blenz is an excellent restaurant for conversation, resting your feet, socializing, and good cheer. According to our reviewers the “Two Parrots” is a great place to go after dancing. Open late and serving a good selection of savoring dishes we agree you won’t be disappointed with the experience. Restaurant is under new-management as of April 2002 and the rumor-mill is that the restaurant is has become an even better establishment and is quickly becoming a favorite hangout amongst pub lovers.


  • Leaf McGowan’s Reviews at Virtual

  • (Review by, 04/23/2002):  Rating: *****
    “i went to canada to have a good time and that is what i found at the two parrots!!!!!!! Racquel is awesome and showed me and my friends great service!!!!!!!!!!!! We miss you and hope to see you soon!!!!!! Delacy”

  • (Review by Leaf McGowan, 04/05/2002):  Rating: **** 1/2
    “Four of us headed over from Luvafair after a really good night of dancing. Two Parrots called our names. For an after-hours visit, the service I thought was really good especially with our patient waittress to the demanding requests of one of our party. She was extremely patient. I ordered the Terriyaki Wings – Excellent choice. I also ordered the fries which were really good – though I believe my eyes were bigger than my stomach. Very tasty. They have a really good selection of dishes. Love the decor in this establishment – jungle scenes and great artwork. Friendly staff. A really good place to visit after clubbing. Overall I would rate the experience of this visit a **** 1/2.” ADMIN NOTE: THIS REVIEW MAY HAVE BEEN WRITTEN WHEN ESTABLISHMENT WAS UNDER DIFFERENT OWNERSHIP. TWO PARROTS UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP AS OF APRIL 2002.

  • (Review by Leaf McGowan, 12/13/01):  Rating: ****
    “Another dining experience at the Two Parrots after Dancing at Luvafair, Good food and good service. Had the Thai Prawn Wrap that Tom thought was so-so, however I found it quite delicious. Maybe I got a different chef! Overall I would rate the experience of this visit a ****.” ADMIN NOTE: THIS REVIEW WRITTEN WHEN ESTABLISHMENT WAS UNDER DIFFERENT OWNERSHIP. TWO PARROTS UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP AS OF APRIL 2002.

  • (Review by Leaf McGowan, 11/29/01):  Rating: *****
    “An excellent restaurant – the Two Parrots has friendly staff and a very amicable environment. Excellent food, great experience! After Dancing at Luvafair, we broke around midnight and headed over to the Two Parrots. Me, Chloe, Megan, and Malcom enjoyed conversation and great food at the Two Parrots. I got the mini egg rolls and fries – good stuff. Tasty! Restaurant was a good place to have conversations where you can hear each other – that’s very good. Too lately have I seen very loud restaurants – and this one is a good environment for detailed conversations. Which we certainly had this evening! Overall I would rate the experience of this visit a *****.” ADMIN NOTE: THIS REVIEW WRITTEN WHEN ESTABLISHMENT WAS UNDER DIFFERENT OWNERSHIP. TWO PARROTS UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP AS OF APRIL 2002.

  • (Review by Tom Baurley, 11/11/01):  Rating: ** 1/2
    “A decent restaurant. Three of us went there after clubbing … it was smokey and service was very slow, but that was understandable for the time of night and drunken crowd filling the establishment. We had to clean off our own table when we sat down. I ordered the Thai prawn wrap which was quite good, though not the best I’ve had. French fries were pretty standard fare. Overall I would rate the experience of this visit a ** 1/2.” ADMIN NOTE: THIS REVIEW WRITTEN WHEN ESTABLISHMENT WAS UNDER DIFFERENT OWNERSHIP. TWO PARROTS UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP AS OF APRIL 2002.

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