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Ballycrovane Ogham Stone of Beara
The Ogham Stone, ring of Beara, county Kerry, Ireland. Tuesday, 19 December 2023. Adventures in County Kerry, Ireland. Photos by Thomas Baurley, Techno Tink Media.

Ballycrovane Ogham Stone of Beara

The monument is a carved thin pillar-stone tall granite standing stone with an estimated age of over 2,000 years before the present. It is across the Ballycrovane Quay / Kenmare Bay from the Hag of Beara along the Ring of Beara on the Beara Peninsula.

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Uragh Stone Circle and Famine Cottage
The Uragh Stone Circle, Ring of Kerry, Kerry County, Ireland. Tuesday, 19 December 2023. Adventures in County Kerry, Ireland. Photos by Thomas Baurley, Techno Tink Media.

Uragh Stone Circle and Famine Cottage

While driving the Ring of Kerry and the Ring of Beara, I spied on the maps a stone circle known as Uragh, so I decided to give it a gander. After a twisty country lane drive into the hills and farmlands, following signs to the off-the-map destination, I came to the gate—opened it up—and drove on in. Crossing a raging river with scenic overlooks of lakes and an astounding waterfall in the distance, the site was nothing more than enchanting.

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