Travel Tales and Reviews website ... A project of Techno Tink Media

Grand Lake, Colorado

Did you know that Grand Lake is the deepest natural lake in Colorado? In fact, this summer when I was sitting at our favorite fishing spot, a gentleman nearby told…

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Granite Ghost Town

This unique State Park known as "Granite Ghost Town" has become a favorite pitstop adventure for me and my son every year. Its surrounded by natural beauty, rich Gold mining…

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Ringing Rocks, Montana

We've seen this intriguing hiking spot on our travels across Montana on numerous occasions. We finally trekked up to see the national Monument. Ringing Rocks Montana is a unique geological…

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Northwest Necklace

After a day of exploring Birch Bay, we drove north to explore Blaine and see what it's beaches are like. We discovered Semiahmoo Resort, the Spit, and the lovely Northwest…

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